King Family

Monday, March 29, 2010

Trees, "Workouts," and RSV

Wow! I can't beleive it has been so long since I posted anything! We haven't really done anything too interesting! The weather is finally starting to get nice so we have gone out and tried to clean up our yard a few times. Alex had a day off and got to work on cutting down our trees! When we bought this house there were 6 HUGE old trees in front and 3 big ones down the side of the house. They are ugly and rotten so we have been trying to cut them down pretty much since we moved in! We are hoping that we can get them all down this year so that we can level the yard and plant grass! It be so awesome to have a nice yard for the girls to play in!
I hate it when Alex cuts down trees!

Kymber has been helping me exercise lately! Some days she is the only reason i do work out! On this particular day she had to have work out clothes, work out shoes and work out hair just like mom! She does crunches, push ups and even lifts some weights (she calls the weights workouts! It's pretty cute)! After about 5 minutes she is all done! The whole time I'm working out she claps for me and says "good job!" or "go, go, go!" It actually really helps me get through it!

I wish I looked this cute when I worked out!

We have all been really sick for forever it feels like! After about 4 visits to the docter and 3 to the drug store, we all ended up with pink eye (yuck!) both of my girls had ear infections, I had a sinus infection, and Sydni had RSV! Seriously!? I don't know how that is even possible! Poor Syd was so sick! For her RSV we had to do this vapor breathing treatment every 4 hours and I was actually suprised how well she did with it! Kymber thought it was pretty funny! She would say "She smokin!" Then she would walk away laughing! We are all starting to feel better, besides Alex who just came down with a bad cough, but hopefully we all be better soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I am sorry to hear you guys were so sick! I hear RSV can be pretty scary! I am glad you are all better now!

    Haha I Love your exercising story. That is so cute she cheers you on! That would make it easier to work out!

    I can't wait to see you in a week and half!!
