King Family

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cabin Fever

I am pretty sure that i am about to go crazy, if i'm not already! The girls and I have been sick since Saturday night and i havn't left the house since! We all have a yucky crackly cough, stuffy runny noses (i can not tell you how sick i am of wiping boogers!), and all my muscles and joints are acky and so i'm guessing that the girls feel the same! I have seen enough Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and "Pat Pat Show" (The Little Einstiens) to last forever! I can't wait till we all feel better and all the snow is gone so that we can finally get outside! At least i have something to look forward to! In May Alex and I are hopefully going to be able to go to Maui all by ourselves for our 4th anniversary! We haven't had much time to ourselves since Kymber was born! I can't wait to go and spend sometime alone with my best friend and just relax!


  1. I'm so excited you guys get to take a vacation! You deserve it.

  2. Hey Michelle your girls are so cute! I am glad you have a blog! Hope you don't mind me peeking at it. I have a private one which yeah I know is a pain but I am open to invite anyone my email is
    Hope your family gets better and that's awesome about Maui yes I am jealous!
